Hellooo guys, I hope you're doing well.

Today's lesson is about Principle of writting 2, methods to develop your ideas and systems to organize your ideas.

First let’s start with some Principles of writing 2.

Before start writing, you should consider some important aspects as for example:

AUDIENCE: It is pretty important having on mind Who am I going to writing for? Who is my target audience?

Because the type of vocabulary that you are going to use is depending on the audience. If you are going to write a tale for kids, you must use a simple vocabulary because if you use a complex vocabulary, they won’t understand what the tale is about.

PURPOSE: Sometimes people do not have clear which they want to transmit with their writing, and readers will have a mess on their minds because they do not see a clear purpose, they do not know what the author wants to say. For this reason, is crucial to have in mind Why are you are writing for? What is the reason of your paper?

TOPIC: When you are going to write a text, paragraph, essay, and others; it is essential to know What are you going to write about? Because it is obvious that you cannot start writing without a topic.

Now, I am going to show you different methods that you can use to develop your ideas, these methods will help you a lot.

BRAINSTORMING: You can read on a paper all the ideas that are coming into your mind about a topic.


                                              Image taken from: mindmap.gif (550×492)

CLUSTERING: You organize your ideas in categories with similar qualities.


Now, here are some examples of different systems that can help you to organize your ideas.




OUTLINE: The Outline is the official academic method, in which you can develop your ideas in a organize way.

Let’s see take a look at this outline for an academic paragraph example:


An outline can have 1 or more ideas and examples but if you have 2 you must need 2 on all the outline.

Before start writing the supporting ideas or examples you need to use an indentation.


And that's it for today guys, see you the next week, byeeeeeeeeeee.
